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中國故事:看不見的麻風 | The Birthmark of a Village

中國故事:看不見的麻風 | The Birthmark of a Village

沒有人可以選擇自己的出生。這些孩子,出生於與世隔絕的麻風康復村。上世紀五十年代,他們的祖輩曾患麻風病,被強制隔離到位於雲南的大火地村,從此落地生根。儘管村中患者早已於八、九十年代完全康復,時至今日,麻風村的名號仍揮之不去,健康的孩子依然被標籤歧視,甚至連上學也受到阻撓。 大火地是旁人眼中的不祥地,但對於十九歲的付朝文,這裏卻是他們心之所繫的家鄉。 No one could choose their own family; and these children were born in an isolated leprosy rehabilitation village. In 1950s, their ancestors were infected with leprosy and forcingly isolated in Dai Huo Di Village in Yunnan Province, where they started a new life and settled down. Despite of the fact that all the patients there were completely cured in 1980s-90s, the name of “leprosy village” is still lingering the village today, and the healthy children are being labeled, discriminated and even having difficulties to go to school properly. While everyone see Da Huo Di as a cursed place, it is yet a heartwarming home in 19-year-old Fu Chao Wen’s eyes. —————————————————————————————— 香港電台外判紀錄片節目 | RTHK Commissioning Documentary Programme 監製 Producer:方曉山 FONG Hiu-shan 執行監製 Executive Producer:潘達培 Eric POON 李駿碩 Jun LI 編導 Director:梁逸雅 Ya LEUNG 攝影 Camera:梁逸雅 Ya LEUNG 楊景麟 YEUNG King-lun 收音 Sound:孫綺羚 Fitz SUEN 剪接 Editor:麥子達 MAK Tsz-tat 配樂 Music:林永鏗 Cyrill LAM 旁白 Narrator:蘇敬恆 SO King-hang —————————————————————————————— 《那天下午,我們被請到鎮政府辦公室吃蘋果 — 麻風康復村採訪手記》,刊登於立場新聞:
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